Company Overview
- Corporate Name
- Cellbank Corp.
- Office Location
Inui Building Kachidoki 3FL, 4FL,
1-13-1 Kachidoki, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0054 - TEL
- +81 3-5547-0207
- CEO (Representative Director)
- Motoharu Hojo
- Est.
- June 10, 2004
- End Of Business Year
- May
- Capital
- 81,000,000 Yen
- Business
- Accredited Cell Processing, Cell Storage, Institutional Regenerative Medicine Support
- Legal Advisors
- Attorney
- Takeshi Omura (Foresight Law Office)
- Tax Accountant
- Yasuo Nakayama (Nakayama Tax Office)
- Bank
Resona Bank (Kudan Branch)
MUFG Bank (Mita Branch)
Mizuho Bank (Shiba Branch)
(As of October, 2021)